reiki coaching holistic health coach osteopathy berlin


They are my guide and my compass:

Joy - Curiosity - Sovereignty

I live in joy by returning to the present moment. I leave time behind and rediscover free space, to experience the beauty of what is, unconditionally. From this inner joy, connected to my deepest being, I inspire others to create their own peaceful, free and creative living space.

I follow my curiosity and cultivate it to honor the enthusiastic living movement inside me. From this heart of work, I invite others to reconnect to the joy of life that lies within them, to their immense creativity and to discover the richness of the World.

I sit in my sovereignty, aware of my ability to make my own decisions and live my life on my own terms. From this space connected to my heart, I lead the way to Autonomy and Sovereignty


I'm passionate about movement. Moving my body and feeling that I'm alive. I move every day: Muay Thai, Movement, Cycling as a transport method, Walking and Hiking. Letting my creativity flow through movement.

Always learning. From myself and from others, from my inner world and from the outside world. If I'm not on a course, I spend my time listening to podcasts, listening to or reading books.

As a nature lover, my childhood in the French mountains of the Jura impregnated my need to find myself in the wide open spaces of the wilderness.



Transmission: I combine my knowledge and experience to help you take care of yourself, cultivate responsibility, and self-love. Watching you blossom is one of the most beautiful things in life.

Intimacy: when I'm working with you, in osteopathy or coaching, I get to know you in a very intimate way. This teaches me the humility and gratitude of witnessing your inner world and your emotions. Thank you!

Contribution: To assist individuals in discovering their inner peace, reconnecting with their joy and needs, and living life to the fullest. This is priceless!


I was born in France, in the Jura mountains, my mother is German and my father French. I grew up in a very small village with less than 100 inhabitants, so I was able to explore our beautiful Jura countryside throughout my childhood. We spent our holidays camping in France or visiting Germany.

During my school years, I considered becoming a physiotherapist, then a forensic anthropologist. However, I ultimately pursued a different path and obtained a BAC in literature, which nurtured my passion for reading and philosophy. Thinking for myself and questioning my environment are the foundations of my life. After completing my BAC, I began studying languages and economics in Chambéry, Savoie, a town that holds a special place in my heart. However, I soon followed my intuition and impulse to move to Berlin, Germany.

When I arrived in Berlin, I was 19 years old and planning to stay for a year. In the meantime, I (re)discovered the profession of physiotherapy and I welcomed this chance, this opportunity to study my passion. I graduated in 2016. I quickly realised the limits of this profession, both in terms of what it could do and the structure of the healthcare system. Furthermore, I injured my shoulder and found that no physiotherapist was able to help me, leading to further disillusionment. After my father passed away in 2017, my bodily symptoms worsened, so I turned to an osteopath for relief.

holistic health life coaching berlin reiki energy healing osteopathy

Osteopathy helped me to treat what physiotherapy couldn't. So in 2018, after more than a year of recovery, I picked up my pen and notebooks again and started my Osteopathy studies. I graduated in 2022. During these 4 years of study, I discovered the magical world of the human body and self-healing. Beyond treating the body, osteopathy unblocks the emotions behind the physical symptoms.

Also in 2022, I trained in coaching to gain a better understanding of mental and emotional health and to learn how to provide support instead of education. This decision was driven by my intuition and impulse, and the coaching experience was a revelation for me. I discovered a new ability to ask pertinent questions, question the environment, and never be satisfied with the first level of response

This aligns with my love of philosophy and my need to understand the underlying reasons for a person's symptoms: Why does this person have these symptoms? What's behind them?

And here I am, 11 years later, still in Berlin. I live with my sweetheart and our cat. My head is full of projects and my heart is full of joy at having built a life that suits me.

To finish my story, I'd like to share with you this quote that has stayed with me all these years: “The only freedom is to choose your destiny.” — Claire de Lamirande