Hi! I am caroline

Reiki healing Energy therapy Chakra balancing Spiritual healing Stress reduction Life force  Mind-body connection Natural techniques Heilung Energietherapie Wohlbefinden Spirituel Stressabbau Lebensenergie Heilmethoden Körper-Geist

⟫ empowering women to connect
& live in alignment with their femininity



Caroline Favre coaching Frauen coaching für Frauen Frauengesundheit Women's health coaching Berlin online one-to-one mind-body-balance Körper-geist Frauengesundheit Stoffwechsel metabolism PMS PCOS Endometriose Pain Schmerzen Schmerzlinderung


Caroline Favre osteopathy osteopathie Berlin moabit psychosomatic Frauengesundheit Women's health Menstruationsbeschwerden menstrual pain craniosacral kraniosakrale Viszerale Faszien fascia gentle Treatments sanfte Behandlung Frauenwohlbefinden
  • These offers are addressed to health and well-being professionals, as well as to women.
    Whether you're changing careers, looking for a better balance between your personal and professional life, want to learn how to take care of yourself or create a life of your heart, coaching can help you put in place the skills you already have and open up new perspectives.

    Find out more about my coaching offers

  • As an osteopath in the heart of Berlin-Moabit, I specialize in gently caring for adults, with a particular focus on the delicate balance of mind and body in psychosomatic disorders. I'm also deeply passionate about supporting women's wellbeing, including addressing the challenges of menstrual health. My practice is a safe space where we explore the intricate connections within your body, embracing the holistic wisdom of osteopathy to address a wide spectrum of health concerns.

    In our sessions, we'll work together to unlock your body's innate healing potential, fostering harmony and vitality throughout your entire being. Whether you're seeking relief from specific issues or looking to enhance your overall wellness, I'm here to guide you on your journey to balanced, vibrant health.

  • I offer 75-minute Reiki sessions, including 60 minutes of energy treatment as well as a consultation before and after the session.

    ⟫ Discover Reiki!

Caroline Favre osteopathy osteopathie Berlin moabit psychosomatic Frauengesundheit Women's health Menstruationsbeschwerden menstrual pain craniosacral kraniosakrale Viszerale Faszien fascia gentle Treatments sanfte Behandlung Frauenwohlbefinden
Caroline Favre coaching Frauen coaching für Frauen Frauengesundheit Women's health coaching Berlin online one-to-one mind-body-balance Körper-geist Frauengesundheit Stoffwechsel metabolism PMS PCOS Endometriose Pain Schmerzen Schmerzlinderung


I'm a very curious person by nature and I've always been fascinated by the human body and how it works, as well as by personal development.

So it was natural for me to take an interest in physiotherapy and osteopathy, two disciplines that have enabled me to deepen my knowledge of the body and understand how it can be treated to improve people's health and well-being.

Over time, I also developed an interest in coaching, which enabled me to expand my field of action and offer more holistic accompaniment. I realised that to help my clients achieve their life goals, it was important to look at their body, mind and emotions as a whole.

I have had the opportunity to work with people from all backgrounds and cultures, which has enabled me to widen my knowledge and skills as a health and well-being professional.

Lastly, I trained in Reiki, a Japanese energy healing practice. This allows me to provide energetic support and significant relief from stress and energy blockages to my clients.

I believe that each individual is unique and deserves personalised support to help them achieve their life goals and feel healthy and fulfilled.



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